Their primary purpose is to grasp, retract, or stabilize tissue. They may also be used to pack or extract sponges, pass ligatures, and stabilize and manipulate needles during suturing. Forceps are categorized by the presence and type of teeth that are designed for the specific tissue they are intended to hold.
Product categories
- Dental Instruments (11)
- Composite Instruments (2)
- Dental Elevators (1)
- Dental Floss (3)
- Dental Mirrors (3)
- Probes (1)
- Tweezer (1)
- Gynecological Instrument (1)
- Others (2)
- Surgical Instruments (203)
- Chisels (1)
- Clamps (5)
- Diagnostics (8)
- Dilators (2)
- Dissectors (1)
- Elevators (2)
- Forceps (24)
- Hooks (7)
- Needle Holders (8)
- Probes (1)
- Procedure Trays (4)
- Retractors (9)
- Scalpel Blades (3)
- Scissors (129)
- Speculum (1)
- Veterinary Instruments (3)